असंगठित क्षेत्र चिंतन बैठक, भारतीय मजदूर संघ, (BMS) संस्कृति भवन, (गीता निकेतन) कुरूक्षेत्र, हरियाणा में राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष, महामंत्री, संगठन मंत्री तथा सह संगठन मंत्री जी
Category: Featured Post
BMS delegation strongly puts forth its views on various issues in a meeting with Shri. Bhupendra Yadavji(Hon’ble minister for Labour & Employment ,Government of India)
आज भारतीय मजदूर संघ के प्रतिनिधी मंडल ने नई श्रम संहिताओं में संशोधन, PF तथा ESI से संबंधित विभिन्न विषयोंपर अपनी मांगो के संबंध में
Selling of Public Sector Banks is no solution
BMS President will lead worker’s delegation at 110th International Conference of ILO
The 110th International Conference of International Labour Organisation (ILO) will be held at Geneva, Switzerland from 29th May to 11th June 2022. Sri Bhupendra Yadav,
Tripartite National Dialogue on Global Call to Action for a Human -Centered Recovery from COVID-19 Crisis in the Context of India
Tripartite national dialogue on Global call to action for a human-centered recovery from COVID-19 crisis in the context of India held on Friday, 10 December