A event was organised by BMS Delhi Pradesh in which a historic step in labour welfare was taken in which with the initiative of ILO and Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh a helpdesk named WORKERS INFORMATION SUPPORT CENTRE (WSIC) was officially launched by uncurtaining the Board of Workers Information Support Centre. Also #Website and #MobileApplication of #BharatiyaMazdoorSangh was also by officially launched on 31st August 2021 in the gracious event by Ma. Shri. BHUPENDRA YADAV, Hon’ble Minister For Labour and Employment, Government of India at Constitution Club, New Delhi.
In the well managed event degnetaries from @International_Labour_Organization (#ILO) such as MS DAGMAR WALTER , Director, ILO Decent Work Team for South Asia and Country Office for India, Mr. ARIEL B. CASTRO , Sr. Specialist & Desk Officer for Asia Pacific Bureau of Workers Activities, ILO, ACTRAV were virtually present and at the event Mr. SYED SULTAN AHMMED, Specialist on workers’ activities & ILO decent work team for South Asia were present physically.
