On 30th April 2024, the Labour Ministry conducted a unique meeting to draft OSH standards for Beedi & Cigar as per Section 18(1) of OSH & WC Code 2020 in Delhi. It was an excellent initiative by the Director General of Labour Welfare. On behalf of Trade Unions, Shri B.Surendran, All India Organising Secretary BMS; Dr MM Rehman, Former Senior Fellow VVG NLI was the expert from Academician rest of the 7 persons are senior Government Officials. The department has circulated a draft paper for discussion. Dr. Rehman has presented some major points for discussion. BMS has given a written submission.
BMS in it’s submission, requested the drafting committee to change its perceptions and different “out of solutions” keeping the changing scenario of the Beedi Industry. At present Beedi Industry comprises, three components- a factory, individual houses and a common workplace consisting of any big house or temple premises or open place. The Standards should cover all these aspects which are not permissible under the present framework.
BMS highlighted the health hazards faced by both men & women, workplace problems, policy lapses, threats to the entire Beedi Industry, lack of good working conditions; low wages which lead to malnutrition; lack of strategical coordination between the different Ministries dealing with the Tobacco industry, Government policy on investment in OSH and raising international demand for Indian Beedis.
About solutions – BMS suggested strengthening the present infrastructure of the Beedi dispensary, starting Mobile Medical vans to treat workers who work in Private houses; starting common work sheds in selected districts at which a huge concentration of Beedi workers; mandatory issuing of ID cards for all beedi workers; widen the definition of Beedi workers which includes beedi rollers, packers, sattedars, staff, tendu leaf pluckers, tobacco agriculture labourers, increase wages to increase the affordability etc.